Define Operating Point Specifications
Before creating an operating point specification, configure the model to use the model
initial condition.
Create a default operating point specification object.
ops = operspec(mdl);
Impose constraints on the outputs.
ops.Outputs(1).Known = true(10,1);
ops.Outputs(1).y(1) = 0; % Bucket angle
ops.Outputs(1).y(3) = 50; % Upper angle
ops.Outputs(1).y(5) = -50; % Lower angle
ops.Outputs(1).y(7) = 0; % Base angle
ops.Outputs(1).y(9) = -45; % Support angle
Configure Trim Options
Configure trim optimizer options. Set the 'OptimizerType' option to 'graddescent-
proj', which is a projection-based trim optimizer that enforces consistency of the model
physical states. To display trim progress, set the 'DisplayReport' option to 'iter'.
opt = findopOptions('OptimizerType','graddescent-proj',...
opt.OptimizationOptions.MaxFunEvals = 20000;
Trim Model
Find the steady-state operating point that meets these specifications. The following
command takes a few minutes.
[op,rpt] = findop(mdl,ops,opt);
Optimizing to solve for all desired dx/dt=0, x(k+1)-x(k)=0, and y=ydes.
(Maximum Error) Block
(4.50000e+01) scdbackhoeTRIM/Out1
(3.88972e+00) scdbackhoeTRIM/Plant/Mounting Assembly/Mounting Base and Support Arms/Support Arm Right/Revolute Joint Arm
(3.25130e+00) scdbackhoeTRIM/Plant/Backhoe Arm/Arm-Bucket Joint
1 Steady-State Operating Points