Simulink Control Design™ - MathWorks

(Tuis.) #1

About Operating Points

What Is an Operating Point?

An operating point of a dynamic system defines the states and root-level input signals of
the model at a specific time. For example, in a car engine model, variables such as engine
speed, throttle angle, engine temperature, and surrounding atmospheric conditions
typically describe the operating point.

The following Simulink model has an operating point that consists of two variables:

  • A root-level input signal set to 1

  • An Integrator block state set to 5

The following table summarizes the signal values for the model at this operating point.

Block Block Input Block Operation Block Output
Integrator 1 Integrate input 5 , set by the initial
conditionx0 = 5
Square 5 , set by the initial
condition of the
Integrator block

Square input 25

Sum 25 from Square
block, 1 from
Constant block

Sum inputs 26

Gain 26 Multiply input by 3 78

The following block diagram shows how the model input and the initial state of the
Integrator block propagate through the model during simulation.

About Operating Points
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