AirCharge = p 1 ×EngineSpeed + p 2 ×ManifoldPressure + p 3 ×(M
+ p 4 ×ManifoldPressure×EngineSpeed + p 5
If measured data for internal signals is not available, use simulation data from the
original model to compute the unknown parameters p 1 , p 2 , p 3 , p 4 , and p 5 using a least
squares fitting technique.
When you have measured data for internal signals, you can use the Simulink Design
Optimization™ software to compute the unknown parameters. See “Engine Speed Model
Parameter Estimation” (Simulink Design Optimization) to learn more about computing
model parameters, linearizing this approximated model, and designing a feedback
controlled for the linear model.
The next figure compares the simulations of the original event-based model and the
approximated model. Each of the pulses corresponds to a step change in the engine
speed. The size of the step change is between 1500 and 5500. Thus, you can use the
approximated model to accurately simulate and linearize the engine between 1500 RPM
and 5500 RPM.
2 Linearization