Simulink Control Design™ - MathWorks

(Tuis.) #1

model states and their values, along with other data about the operating point. The states
of blocks that have internal representation, such as Backlash, Memory, and Stateflow®
blocks, are excluded.

States that are excluded from the operating point object cannot be used in trimming
computations. These states cannot be captured with operspec or operpoint, or written
with initopspec. Such states are also excluded from operating point displays or
computations using Linear Analysis Tool. The following table summarizes which states are
included and which are excluded from the operating point object.

State Type Included in Operating Point?
Double-precision real-valued states Yes
States whose value is not of type
double. For example, complex-valued
states, single-type states, int8-type


States from root-level inport blocks with
double-precision real-valued inputs


Internal state representations that
impact block output, such as states in
Backlash, Memory, or Stateflow blocks.

No (see “Handle Blocks with Internal State
Representation” on page 1-123)

States that belong to a Unit Delay block
whose input is a bus signal


See Also


More About

  • “Compute Steady-State Operating Points” on page 1-6

  • “Handle Blocks with Internal State Representation” on page 1-123

  • “Compute Steady-State Operating Points” on page 1-6

  • “Find Operating Points at Simulation Snapshots” on page 1-108

See Also
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