Simulink Control Design™ - MathWorks

(Tuis.) #1

View and Modify Operating Points

You can view and modify operating point values programmatically at the command line, or
interactively using the Steady State Manager or Linear Analysis Tool.

You can simulate the model at the modified operating point. For more information, see
“Simulate Simulink Model at Specific Operating Point” on page 1-119.

View and Modify Operating Point in Steady State Manager

To view an operating point in the Steady State Manager, in the Data Browser, in the
Operating Points section do one of the following:

  • Double-click the operating point you want to view.

  • Right-click the operating point you want to view, and select Open Selection.

In the operating point document that opens, you can view the input and state values of
the operating point.

To modify a state or input value in an operating point, in the Value column, click the
value you want to change, and enter the new value. If your operating point was at a
steady state, changing any values in the Steady State Manager can place the operating
point into a non-steady-state condition.

1 Steady-State Operating Points

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