Define linearization input and output points for computing the closed-loop input/output
response of the system.
io(1) = linio('scdcascade/setpoint',1,'input');
io(2) = linio('scdcascade/Sum',1,'output');
io(1), the signal originating at the outport of the setpoint block, is the reference
input. io(2), the signal originating at the outport of the Sum block, is the system output.
To extract multiple open-loop and closed-loop transfer functions from the same model,
batch linearize the system using an slLinearizer interface. For more information, see
“Vary Parameter Values and Obtain Multiple Transfer Functions” on page 3-32.
Vary the outer-loop controller gains, Kp1 and Ki1, within 20% of their nominal values.
Kp1_range = linspace(Kp10.8,Kp11.2,6);
Ki1_range = linspace(Ki10.8,Ki11.2,4);
[Kp1_grid,Ki1_grid] = ndgrid(Kp1_range,Ki1_range);
Create a parameter structure with fields Name and Value. Name indicates which the
variable to vary in the model workspace, the MATLAB® workspace, or a data dictionary.
params(1).Name = 'Kp1';
params(1).Value = Kp1_grid;
params(2).Name = 'Ki1';
params(2).Value = Ki1_grid;
Batch Linearize Model for Parameter Variations at Single Operating Point