Simulink Control Design™ - MathWorks

(Tuis.) #1

Batch Linearize Model at Multiple Operating Points

Derived from Parameter Variations

If your application includes parameter variations that affect the operating point of the
model, you must batch trim the model for the parameter variations before linearization.
Use this batch linearization approach when computing linear models for linear
parameter-varying systems.

For more information on batch trimming models for parameter variations, see “Batch
Compute Steady-State Operating Points for Parameter Variation” on page 1-95.

Open the Simulink model.

sys = 'watertank';

Vary parameters A and b within 10% of their nominal values. Specify three values for A
and four values for b, creating a 3-by-4 value grid for each parameter.

[A_grid,b_grid] = ndgrid(linspace(0.9*A,1.1*A,3),...

Create a parameter structure array, specifying the name and grid points for each

params(1).Name = 'A';
params(1).Value = A_grid;

Batch Linearize Model at Multiple Operating Points Derived from Parameter Variations
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