(1.) scdspeed/rad//s to rpm
y: 2e+03 (2e+03)
Now, search for the remaining operating points at 3000 and 4000 rpm
opspec.Outputs.y = 3000;
op(2) = findop('scdspeed',opspec);
opspec.Outputs.y = 4000;
op(3) = findop('scdspeed',opspec);
Operating point search report:
Operating point search report for the Model scdspeed.
(Time-Varying Components Evaluated at time t=0)
Operating point specifications were successfully met.
(1.) scdspeed/Throttle & Manifold/Intake Manifold/p0 = 0.543 bar
x: 0.49 dx: -5.14e-15 (0)
(2.) scdspeed/Vehicle Dynamics/w = T//J w0 = 209 rad//s
x: 314 dx: 4.57e-13 (0)
(1.) scdspeed/Throttle perturbation
u: 2.94 [-Inf Inf]
(1.) scdspeed/rad//s to rpm
y: 3e+03 (3e+03)
Operating point search report:
Operating point search report for the Model scdspeed.
(Time-Varying Components Evaluated at time t=0)
Linearization of an Engine Speed Model