Specify Operating Point for Estimation
You perform frequency response estimation at a steady-state operating point of the model.
You can compute or specify an operating point in Linear Analysis Tool using the
Operating Point drop-down list. By default, Linear Analysis Tool uses the operating point
defined by the model initial conditions. For this example, use that operating point. (For
more information about operating points, see “About Operating Points” on page 1-3.)
Create Input Signal for Estimation
Frequency response estimation injects an input signal into the input analysis point you
specify for estimation. For this example, configure a sinestream signal, which is a series
of sinusoidal perturbations at frequencies you specify. (For more information about input
signals, see “Estimation Input Signals” on page 5-31.)
(^1) In the Estimation tab, in the Input Signal drop-down list, select Sinestream. The
Create sinestream input dialog box opens.
5 Frequency Response Estimation