tfinal = getSimulationTime(input)
where input is the input signal. The simulation stop time, tfinal, serves as an indicator
of the frequency response estimation duration.
You can reduce the simulation time by modifying your signal properties.
Input Signal Action Caution
Sinestream Decrease the number of periods
per frequency, NumPeriods,
especially at lower frequencies.
You model must be at steady state
to achieve accurate frequency
response estimation. Reducing the
number of periods might not excite
your model long enough to reach
steady state.
Chirp Decrease the signal sample time,
Ts, or the number of samples,
The frequency resolution of the
estimated response depends on the
number of samples NumSamples.
Decreasing the number of samples
decreases the frequency resolution
of the estimated frequency
For information about modifying input signals, see “Modify Estimation Input Signals” on
page 5-46.
Specifying Accelerator Mode
You can try to speed up frequency response estimation by specifying the Rapid
Accelerator or Accelerator mode in Simulink.
For more information, see “What Is Acceleration?” (Simulink).
Using Parallel Computing
You can try to speed up frequency response estimation using parallel computing in the
following situations:
- Your model has multiple inputs.
- Your single-input model uses a sinestream input signal, where the sinestream
SimulationOrder property has the value 'OneAtATime'.
5 Frequency Response Estimation