Parameter Used By Description
Tz — Model zero Any transfer function Can take any value between
- T and T, the time span of
measured or simulated data.
In the plot, drag the red
circle left (towards –T) or
right (towards T) to adjust
Integrator Any transfer function Adds a factor of 1/s to the
transfer function. There is
no associated parameter to
State-Space Models
The state-space model structure for identification is primarily defined by the choice of
number of states, the model order. Use the state-space model structure when higher
order models than those supported by process model structures are required to achieve a
satisfactory match to your measured or simulated I/O data. In the state-space model
structure, the system dynamics are represented by the state and output equations:
x ̇=Ax+Bu,
x is a vector of state variables, automatically chosen by the software based on the
selected model order. u represents the input signal, and y the output signals.
To use a state-space model structure, in the Plant Identification tab, in the Structure
menu, select State-Space Model. Then click Configure Structure to open the State-
Space Model Structure dialog box.
7 PID Controller Tuning