Chemical Abstracts, a subscription service, at http://www.cas.org/ offers
access, by subscription, to CAS, a large and comprehensive database of chemi-
cal information.
STN International at http://www.cas.org/stn.html is a full - featured online
service that offers information for a broad range of scientifi c fi elds,
including chemistry, engineering, life sciences, pharmaceutics, biotechnology,
regulatory compliance, patents, and business. SciFinder at http://www.cas.org/
SCIFINDER/scicover2.html is an easy - to - use desktop research tool that
allows the user to explore research topics, browse scientifi c journals, and access
information on the most recent scientifi c developments. SciFinder Scholar is
a desktop research tool designed especially for use by students and faculty to
easily access the information in the CAS databases. With either tool, one can
search Chemical Abstracts and the CA Registry by author name, research
topic, substance identifi er, chemical structure, or chemical reaction.
Scirus at http://www.scirus.com/srsapp/ is a comprehensive, commercial
search engine designed specifi cally for fi nding relevant scientifi c information
everywhere on the World Wide Web. Currently, it indexes more than 300
million science - related Web pages.
The Royal Chemical Society at http://www.rsc.org/chemsoc/ provides infor-
mation made available by about 30 national chemistry societies worldwide. It
features events, links, educational materials and the popular Visual Elements
Periodic Table and Timeline. The site includes a Careers and Job Center, a
Chembytes Infozone section providing science, industry and product news, a
guide to funding sources, publications updates, and an online magazine. The
Conferences and Events section allows the user to search for events, advertise
meetings, and view online abstracts from major conferences. The Learning
Resources center presents Web tutorials and videotapes for teaching and
learning; it also offers tutorial chemistry texts and the Visual Elements peri-
odic table.
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) Research Resources site lists scientifi c
information, tools, reagents, and services for cancer researchers on its website
at http://resresources.nci.nih.gov/.
Access to Medline and PubMed through the National Library of Medicine
at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=pubmed provides free search-
ing of the chemical and biological literature. MEDLINE/PubMed contains
bibliographic citations and author abstracts covering the fi elds of medicine,
nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and the preclini-
cal sciences. MEDLINE contains bibliographic citations and author abstracts
from more than 5000 biomedical journals published in the United States and
80 other countries. The database contains over 15 million citations dating back
to the mid - 1950s. The service provides titles and abstracts for over 130 chem-
istry journals.
The ISI web of science at http://www.isinet.com/ is a multidisciplinary data-
base that provides web access to current and retrospective journal literature.
Thomson Scientifi c produces ISI Web of Knowledge TM , a tool to access, analyze,