formational changes in the two oxidation states, around the met80 ligand and
in the heme (especially around the pyrrole A ring and its attached propionate
The Brayer group next began a series of mutational studies on yeast iso - 1
ferro - and ferricytochromes c. The fi rst mutant replaced the tyrosine residue
at position 67 with phenylalanine — a Y67F mutant. Both oxidation states were
studied: (1) the Fe(II) – Y67F mutant deposited as PDB: 1CTZ and (2) the
Fe(III) – Y67F mutant as PDB: 1CTY.^112 The reduced state Y67F mutant
appears to be very similar to its wild - type (WT) counterpart. Differences are
seen for the oxidized mutant (PDB: 1CTY) in comparison to its WT counter-
part (PDB: 2YCC). While little change is seen in overall polypeptide chain
positioning for either oxidation state, more substantial changes in thermal
factor (and therefore chain mobility) are seen, especially comparing the oxi-
dized wild - type and Y67F mutant proteins. In the oxidized Y67F mutant, the
heme porphyrin ligand is slightly less distorted from planarity — PDB: 2YCC
average angular deviation of pyrrole rings from the pyrrole nitrogens ’ plane
= 12.2 ° , PDB: 1CTY average angular deviation = 11.6 °. Table 2 of reference
112 shows WT versus Y67F mutant comparisons of heme geometry — angular
deviations for heme and axial ligands plus heme iron – ligand bond distances.
The oxidized Y67F mutant heme met80 ligand changes its orientation from
the wild - type; for instance, the C ε methyl group moves ∼ 1.8 Å and rotates ∼ 40 °
about the ligand bond. This movement may be connected to the observation
that the met80 - conformation - stabilizing wat166 molecule present in the WT
protein is missing in the Y67F mutant. Additionally, the stabilizing hydrogen
bond between met80 S δ and tyr67 OH group is not possible for the Y67F
mutant. The heme propionate group (O1A and O2A) attached to pyrrole ring
A has changed orientation in WT versus Y67F structures as have the orienta-
tions of conserved arg38 and asn52 side chains. These reorientations lead to
changes in hydrogen - bonding patterns in this region of WT versus Y67F
mutant proteins. The differences between both reduced and oxidized wild - type
and mutant forms are collected in Table 7 of reference 112. The differences
noted include: (1) a drop in the midpoint reduction potential for the Y67F
mutant (234 mV) compared to that for the WT (290 mV); (2) changes in ther-
modynamic properties; and (3) changes in UV – visible absorption spectra that
indicate perturbation of theπ - conjugated heme system in the mutant protein.
The conclusion must be that while the overall fold of the cytochrome c protein
does not change, mutations near the heme site will signifi cantly alter the
heme environment and thus alter its electron transfer behavior with redox
The Brayer group continued its X - ray crystallographic structural study of
yeast iso - 1 - cytochrome c variants with the following: (1) PDB: 1CRG, Fe(III) –
asparagine52 to isoleucine52 (N52I) mutant; (2) PDB: 1CRH, Fe(II) – N52I
mutant; (3) PDB: 1CRI, Fe(III) – N52I - Y67F mutant; and (4) PDB: 1CRJ,
Fe(II) – N52I - Y67F mutant.^113 In all mutants, the most prominent structural
difference from wild - type enzyme is the displacement of the conserved wat166