Distal effects, see also dioxygen, 147,
172 , 298 –30 0
A-form, see A DNA
B-form, see B DNA
backbone structure, 50, 50f, 51f
base-pairing, 47, 49–50, 50f, 57
bending and unwinding, 54, 65
cleavage reagents, 59, 62
cloning, 29, 57, 58–61, 60f, 62
codons 55–57, 57f
conformation, 49–53, 53t
conformational recognition by zinc
fi nger proteins, 65, 67
double helix, 30, 47, 49–51, 51f, 54–55,
60f, 61, 67, 70–72, 71f
exons, see also RNA, ribozyme,
58–59, 63
genetic transmission and, 53–56
grooves, major and minor, 47, 50, 53,
53t, 64– 68, 71
helical structures, 30, 50 –53, 52f,
insertion into a plasmid, 57, 59– 60,
interactions with proteins, 63–73
nucleobases, 48– 49t, 52f
polymorphs, 50, 63
primary strand, 65, 69, 71–73, 70f
repair, 26, 55, 57
replication, 53–55, 54f, 58, 140
sugar pucker, 50 –51, 52f, 53t
synthesis, 55
transcription, 53–55, 54f, 57, 59,
63–66, 70, 72
translation, 53–57, 54f, 141, 148,
Z-form, see Z DNA
DNA-binding proteins, see zinc fi nger
DNA-polymerase, 54–55, 61, 64, 241,
Donnan equilibria, 195f
Dose-response curve, essential
elements, 2, 3f
Double-stranded DNA (dsDNA), 30,
47, 49–50, 51f, 54–55, 61, 67, 70,
71f, 141
Dysprosium (Dy), 103
EDTA, see ethylenediaminetetraacetic
18-electron rule, 19–21, 19t
Electromagnetic spectrum, 77–78, 78f
Electron carriers, 4, 24
Electron microscope, 142
Electron-nuclear double resonance
spectroscopy, ENDOR, 76, 129,
131–132, 137–139, 243, 282, 289,
Electron paramagnetic resonance
(EPR) spectroscopy, 122–132
active spin states, 122–124, 123f
anisotropy, 125
applications, 122
axial spectra, 126–128, 126f, 131, 134,
characteristics of, 122–128
copper ion(s) and, 129–131
derivative spectrum, 124–126, 124f,
descriptive examples, 17, 129–132,
137–139, 234, 243, 282, 288–289,
362–367, 376–379, 387, 454
Fe-S clusters, 137–139
g-value(s), 122–127, 130f
hemoglobin and, 17, 127
hyperfi ne coupling, 127–129, 131, 243,
289, 450–452, 460
iron-sulfur clusters, see Fe-S clusters
isotropic spectra, 126, 126f, 131
rhombic spectra, 126–127, 126f
Mössbauer and, 137
spin-orbit coupling, 125–127
superhyperfi ne coupling, 127–129
Zeeman splitting, 122, 125
zero-fi eld splitting (zfs), 125, 127
Electron-spin echo envelope
modulation, ESEEM, 129, 243,
282, 289
Electron transfer, see also Marcus
theory, 22–26
cofactors, 24, 24f
cross reaction, 25, 25f
cytochrome b(6)f and, see
cytochrome b(6)f
cytochrome bc 1 and, see cytochrome
bc 1
cytochrome c and, see cytochrome c