another works with ELs at the Bridging level. In schools with a smaller student population of ELs (e.g.,
five ELs at a given grade level), individual classroom teachers may work with small groups of ELs at an
opportune time during the day.
Importantly, however a school decides to schedule designated ELD, ELs should not be removed
from other core content instruction (e.g., ELA, science) in order to receive designated ELD instruction.
Designated ELD must be provided in addition to all core content instruction. In secondary settings,
particularly in high school, ELs need full access to grade-level content in all disciplines, as well as
specialized instruction in academic English, to prepare for college and careers. Designated ELD does
not replace rich content coursework across the disciplines. Conversely, ELs need specialized attention
to their English language development to be successful in their content coursework. Master scheduling
may be challenging for some schools. However, when both the academic and language learning needs
of ELs are prioritized, creative solutions are possible.
A Comprehensive Approach to ELD
English learners at all English proficiency levels and at all ages
require both integrated ELD and specialized attention to their
particular language learning needs, or designated ELD. Such a
multilayered application of the CA ELD Standards requires deep
collaboration among educators, support for teachers, and, most
importantly, a sustained focus on the strengths and needs of
individual ELs and a persistent belief that all ELs can achieve the
highest levels of academic and linguistic excellence.
The purpose of this chapter has been to describe several essential considerations for curriculum,
instruction, and assessment in ELA, literacy, and ELD that set the stage for the remaining chapters and
serve as a reference point for many of the discussions that follow.
English Learners at all
English proficiency levels
and at all ages require
both integrated ELD and
specialized attention to
their particular language
learning needs, or
designated ELD.
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