English Language Development

(Elliott) #1
Snapshot 4.8. Research to Create a Bird Nesting Environment
Integrated ELA, Science, Math, Theatre, and Visual Arts in Grade Three

As they conducted their research, the students kept notes in their science journals and
periodically reported their findings to the whole group. They learned about birds native to the
area, and Grace was able to identify the birds on her balcony from images her classmates
found on the Internet. The students observed and sketched nests the teacher borrowed from
the district’s curriculum lab. They studied the school environment and discovered that their
patio provided appropriate shelter and protection for birds and that nest materials, such as
tree and plant litter, were available. However, they did need to do something about providing
a source of water. Soon, they were designing a bird bath that could be placed in the garden.
The students wanted the bird bath to be large enough so several birds could drink and bathe
at the same time. They also read that it needed to be shallow. And they insisted that there be
a stand with multiple perches nearby. They looked for ideas on the Internet and sketched a
plan. With the help of several parents, they constructed a stand for a large water basin and a
perch and placed them both in the garden. The students established a procedure for keeping
the water clean and full.
With their project completed, the students eagerly watched for activity in the patio.
Because they wanted to ensure that students in other classrooms were aware of and
respectful of their work and would not disturb any potential feathered guests, they composed
rules and posted them in the garden. They urged school-wide cooperation. They also wrote
scripts, rehearsed their parts, and produced short videos that documented their work. Rubrics
elaborating what qualities were expected for scripts and videos helped guide students as they
worked and were also useful for peer and self-evaluations. Finally, they shared their videos
with students in other classrooms

CA CCSS for ELA/Literacy: RI.3.5, 7; W.3.3–5, 7–8; SL.3.1–2, 4, 6; L.3.1–2, 6
Related CA CCSS for Mathematics:
3.MD.3 Draw a scaled picture graph and a scaled bar graph to represent a data set with several categories...
MP.5 Use appropriate tools strategically.
Related CA Next Generation Science Standards:
Performance Expectations
3-LS1-1 Develop models to describe that organisms have unique and diverse life cycles, but all have in common
birth, growth, reproduction, and death.
3–5-ETS1-1 Define a simple design problem reflecting a need or a want that includes specified criteria for success
and constraints on materials, time, or cost.
Science and Engineering Practices
Asking Questions and Defining Problems
Planning and Carrying Out Investigations
Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions
Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information
Related CA Visual and Performing Arts Content Standard:
Theatre 2.1 Participate in cooperative scriptwriting or improvisations that incorporate the five Ws.
Visual Arts 1.1 Develop and describe rhythm and movement in works of art and in the environment.

Grade 3 Chapter 4 | 369

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