to support the simultaneous development of both
English and content knowledge, teachers should
consider how to address their ELs’ language learning
needs throughout the day during ELA and other
content instruction (integrated ELD), and how to
focus on these needs strategically during a time that
is protected for this purpose (designated ELD).
The CA ELD Standards serve as a guide for
teachers to design instruction for both integrated
ELD and designated ELD. The CA ELD Standards
highlight and amplify the language in the CA CCSS
for ELA/Literacy so that teachers can focus on
critical areas of English language development, and
they set goals and expectations for how EL students
at all levels of English language proficiency interact
meaningfully with content, develop academic
English, and increase their language awareness.
Integrated and Designated English Language Development
Integrated ELD refers to ELD throughout the day and across the disciplines for all ELs. In
integrated ELD, the CA ELD Standards are used in ELA and all other disciplines in tandem with the CA
CCSS for ELA/Literacy and other content standards to support ELs’ linguistic and academic progress.
Throughout the school day, ELs in grades four and five should engage in activities where they listen
to, read, analyze, interpret, discuss, and create a variety of literary and informational text types.
Through rich experiences that are provided through English, they develop English, and they build
confidence and proficiency in demonstrating their content knowledge through oral presentations,
writing, collaborative conversations, and multimedia. In addition, when teachers support their
students’ development of language awareness, or how English works in different situations, they gain
an understanding of how language functions as a complex, dynamic, and social resource for making
meaning. Through intellectually rich activities that occur across the disciplines, ELs develop proficiency
in understanding and using advanced levels of English and in shifting register based on discipline,
topic, task, purpose, audience, and text type.
Designated ELD is a protected time during the regular school day when teachers use the CA ELD
Standards as the focal standards in ways that build into and from content instruction so that ELs
develop critical English language skills, knowledge, and abilities needed for content learning in English.
Designated ELD should not be viewed as separate and isolated from ELA, science, social studies,
mathematics, and other disciplines but rather as a protected opportunity during the regular school
day to support ELs in developing the discourse practices, grammatical understandings, and vocabulary
knowledge necessary for successful participation in academic tasks across the content areas. A logical
scope and sequence for English language development is aligned with the texts used and tasks
implemented in ELA and other content instruction.
Designated ELD is an opportunity to amplify the language ELs need to develop in order to be
successful in school and to augment instruction in order to meet the particular language learning
needs of ELs at different English language proficiency levels. Examples of designated ELD that builds
into and from content instruction are provided in brief snapshots and lengthier vignettes in the grade-
level sections. For more information on the CA ELD Standards and descriptions of integrated ELD and
designated ELD, see chapters 1 and 2 of this ELA/ELD Framework.
In order to support the simultaneous
development of both English and
content knowledge, teachers should
consider how to address their ELs’
language learning needs throughout
the day during ELA and other content
instruction (integrated ELD), and how
to focus on these needs strategically
during a time that is protected for this
purpose (designated ELD).
Grades 4 and 5 Chapter 5 | 423