English Language Development

(Elliott) #1

If students are asked to investigate the causes and effects of climate change in science and
then write an explanation, teachers support newcomer ELs by guiding the students to read and
discuss short science explanation texts on the topic. Teachers also use these science explanations
as mentor texts and explicitly show students how they are organized, specific information typically
included in science explanations, and particular language useful for this text type (e.g., domain-
specific vocabulary, wording for showing cause and effect relationships, phrases for citing evidence).
Teachers also provide students with sentence or paragraph frames to use in their explanations and
templates for writing to help them structure their texts appropriately. They might also provide bilingual
dictionaries and thesauruses, so students can include precise vocabulary and new grammatical
structures to convey their knowledge of the topic. Providing opportunities for newcomer ELs to read
and discuss texts in their primary language supports their understandings of the content and their
ability to write these text types in English.

Students at the Expanding and Bridging levels of English language proficiency likely do not need
all of these scaffolding techniques or such an intensive level of support. As they progress in their
understandings of English and their abilities to use English to convey meanings, ELs are able to
write longer texts independently that meet the expectations of particular text types. However, all EL
students need varying levels of scaffolding depending on the task, the text, and their familiarity with
the content and the language required to understand and engage in discussion. Figure 6.22 presents
a section of the CA ELD Standards that teachers can use, in tandem with the CA CCSS for ELA/literacy
and other content standards, to plan instructional support differentiated by proficiency level and need
for scaffolding.

Figure 6.22. Using the CA ELD Standards in Integrated ELD

CA ELD Standards, Part I: Interacting in Meaningful Ways

English Language Development Level Continuum
Emerging Expanding Bridging

  1. Reading/viewing
    a. Explain ideas, phenomena,
    processes, and text
    relationships (e.g., compare/
    contrast, cause/ effect,
    problem/solution) based on
    close reading of a variety of
    grade-appropriate texts and
    viewing of multimedia, with
    substantial support.
    b. Express inferences and
    conclusions drawn based
    on close reading of grade-
    appropriate texts and viewing
    of multimedia using some
    frequently used verbs (e.g.,
    shows that, based on)
    6. Reading/viewing
    a. Explain ideas, phenomena,
    processes, and text
    relationships (e.g., compare/
    contrast, cause/ effect,
    problem/solution) based on
    close reading of a variety of
    grade-level texts and viewing
    of multimedia, with moderate
    b. Express inferences and
    conclusions drawn based
    on close reading of grade-
    appropriate texts and viewing
    of multimedia using a variety
    of verbs (e.g., suggests that,
    leads to).
    6. Reading/viewing
    a. Explain ideas, phenomena,
    processes, and text
    relationships (e.g., compare/
    contrast, cause/ effect,
    problem/solution) based on
    close reading of a variety of
    grade-level texts and viewing
    of multimedia, with light
    b. Express inferences and
    conclusions drawn based
    on close reading of grade-
    level texts and viewing of
    multimedia using a variety of
    precise academic verbs (e.g.,
    indicates that, influences).

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