English Language Development

(Elliott) #1
Page Chapter at a Glance (cont.)
94 Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Pedagogy
94 Supporting Students Strategically
95 Guiding Principles: UDL, MTSS, and Sharing Responsibility
96 Using Assessment to Inform Instruction
97 Planning
98 Grouping
99 Scaffolding
102 Primary Language Support
102 Structuring the Instructional Day
104 English Language Development
104 Learning English as an Additional Language
104 Stages of English Language Development
105 Cross-Language Relationships
106 ELD Instruction
108 Integrated ELD
115 Designated ELD
119 A Comprehensive Approach to ELD
119 Conclusion
120 Works Cited


he purpose of chapter 2 is to address essential considerations for curriculum, instruction,
and assessment in English language arts, disciplinary literacy, and English language
development that set the stage for the remaining chapters of this ELA/ELD Framework.
These essential considerations draw upon research and theory and reflect important beliefs about
the ELA/literacy and ELD programs envisioned for California’s students. These considerations are
introduced in this chapter and then referenced in the framework, as appropriate, in grade-level and
other chapters.
The foundations for this discussion are established in the introduction to this ELA/ELD Framework,
which outlines the vision for ELA/literacy and ELD instruction for students and discusses the purpose
of this framework, and in chapter 1, which explicates the standards guiding California’s ELA/literacy
and ELD curriculum, instruction, and assessment: the CA CCSS for ELA/Literacy and the CA ELD
Standards. This chapter expands these discussions and previews several important concepts to provide
context for the chapters that follow. Chapters 3–7 provide grade-span and grade-level guidance for
curriculum and instruction based on the CA CCSS for ELA/Literacy and CA ELD Standards at those
levels. Chapters 8–11 provide detailed guidance in specialized areas, including assessment, access and
equity for California’s diverse learners, 21st century learning, and professional learning, leadership,
and systems of support for student achievement.

This chapter contains five major sections. The first three sections discuss the major elements
of the “Circles of Implementation” graphic displayed in figure 2.1: goals, context, and themes of
ELA/literacy and ELD instruction. These are followed by sections on approaches to teaching and
learning and English language development. Some subsections are brief because they are addressed
more fully in subsequent chapters; others are lengthy and are referenced often in subsequent

52 | Chapter 2 Essential Considerations
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