Global Competence* CCR Anchor Standard or CA ELD Standards Critical Principles
Take action
- Identify and create
for personal or
collaborative action
to address situations,
events, issues, or
phenomena in ways
that improve conditions - Assess options and
plan actions based
on evidence and the
potential for impact,
taking into account
previous approaches,
varied perspectives, and
potential consequences - Act, personally or
collaboratively, in
creative and ethical
ways to contribute to
improvement locally,
regionally, or globally
and assess the impact
of the actions taken - Reflect on their
capacity to advocate
for and contribute to
improvement locally,
regionally, or globally
Reading Anchor Standard 1: Read closely to determine what
the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it;
cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support
conclusions drawn from the text.
Writing Anchor Standard 1: Write arguments to support
claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid
reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.
ELD Standards Critical Principle: Part I - Productive, 9:
Expressing information and ideas in formal oral presentations on
academic topics
ELD Standards Critical Principle: Part I - Productive, 11:
Justifying own arguments and evaluating others’ arguments in
ELD Standards Critical Principle: Part I - Productive, 12:
Selecting and applying varied and precise vocabulary and other
language resources to effectively convey ideas
Mansilla, Veronica B., and Anthony Jackson. 2011. Educating for Global Competence: Preparing Our Youth to Engage the
World. The Asia Society.
Technology Skills
Technology pervades modern society. It impacts most aspects of the personal and academic/
professional lives of youth and adults. Furthermore, it has the potential to substantially support the
achievement of many of the 21st century skills discussed previously in this chapter: Its wise use
demands critical thinking, it expands and enriches opportunities for communication and collaboration,
it is a powerful tool for creativity and innovation, and it can contribute to global awareness and
competence. Furthermore, technology as a tool for learning and expression can contribute to progress
in each of the themes of the CA CCSS for ELA/ELD and the CA ELD Standards: Meaning Making,
Language Development, Effective Expression, Content Knowledge, and Foundational Skills.
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