the topics, and that sentences may be patterned in ways unique to particular fields. Developing
metalinguistic awareness of the variety of lexical and grammatical patterns and text structures that are
both unique and common across disciplines builds both literacy and content knowledge.
In discussing the development of content knowledge and text selection, the CA CCSS for
ELA/Literacy recommend a systematic process (CDE 2013, 43):
Building knowledge systematically... is like giving children various pieces of a puzzle in
each grade that, over time, will form one big picture. At a curricular or instructional level,
texts—within and across grade levels—need to be selected around topics or themes that
systematically develop the knowledge base of students. Within a grade level, there should
be an adequate number of titles on a single topic that would allow children to study that
topic for a sustained period. The knowledge children have learned about particular topics
in early grade levels should then be expanded and developed in subsequent grade levels to
ensure an increasingly deeper understanding of these topics...
Foundational Skills
Acquisition of the foundational skills of literacy—print concepts, phonological awareness, phonics
and word recognition, and fluency—is crucial for literacy achievement. In order for students to
independently learn with and enjoy text and express themselves through written language they need
to develop facility with the alphabetic code. This framework recognizes that early acquisition of the
foundational skills is imperative. The sooner children understand and can use the alphabetic system
for their own purposes, the more they can engage with text, which is the very point of learning the
foundational skills. The more students engage with text, the more language and knowledge and
familiarity with the orthography (written system) they acquire, which in turn support further literacy
Attention to each of the program components,
including Meaning Making, Language Development,
Effective Expression, and Content Knowledge, is essential
at every grade level, and the Foundational Skills are
critical contributors to their development. In other words,
development of the foundational skills is a necessary, but not
sufficient, condition for students to appreciate and use the
written system—to make meaning with it, continue to acquire
rich language from interactions with it, express themselves
effectively in writing, and gain knowledge from text sources.
It is crucial that educators understand the importance of the
foundational skills and act on that knowledge by closely monitoring students’ skill development and
providing excellent, differentiated instruction. The placement of discussions of foundational skills in
this framework and of the listing of the standards themselves (that is, following other discussions
and standards) should by no means suggest that they are a lower priority than other aspects of
the curriculum. Indeed, achievement of the foundational skills is given high priority in ELA/literacy
instruction in the early years and sufficient priority in later years to meet, as appropriate, the needs of
older children and adolescents.
Students acquire foundational skills through excellent, carefully designed systematic instruction
and ample opportunities to practice. Students of any grade who struggle with foundational skills
should be provided additional, sometimes different, instruction while also having access to and
participating in the other components of ELA/literacy programs and subject matter curricula (e.g.,
science, social studies, mathematics). This requires creative and collaborative planning by educators.
Chapters 3–5 in this ELA/ELD Framework discuss the foundational skills that should be acquired at
The sooner children
understand and can use the
alphabetic system for their
own purposes, the more they
can engage with text, which is
the very point of learning the
foundational skills.
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