7. Libra
Libra or balance is the third cardinal sign and the
second airy sign of the zodiac. This is true in whatever
direction we count the signs of the wheel. This sign
represents the fulcrum-principle of the universe. This
fulcrum causes the rotation of the wheel. When rotation
is traced at the centre of a circle, it is a double force. It is
the radiating force which brings diversity from centre to
circumference. It is also a blending force from
circumference to centre which brings the unity from
diversity. This is true in the circle and a circle is only one
of the 360 planes of the globe. Within the globe the force
of Libra can be traced at the centre. The point which is the
beginning of the whole creation bulges out into a globe
through a process of radiation by the help of the Libra
principle. This sign marks the grand miracle of the whole
process of objectivity coming out of subjectivity.
The sign Libra has its formation from the beginning
of the creation to a very later date of the stage of perfection.
This sign contains all the properties of the twelve signs of
the zodiac, like Aries. This sign represents the lower pole
of creation which can be once again absorbed into the
higher pole by the spiritualist. The balancing of the two
arms of the scale is nothing but making the two opposite
forces merging in the centre. When the weighing is
unequal, the arms and the pans are prominent (active).
When the weighing is perfect, the centre becomes active
and the pans fade into passivity. This is the whole essence