9. Sagittarius
Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac. It
corresponds with the ninth house of the horoscope, which
is the house of initiation. This governs long journeys,
dreams, aspirations and the realisation of one’s own plans.
This is to the ordinary man. To the student of the spiritual
path his long journey is the eternal journey of the soul on
the upward path. His dream is to become a Seer. His plans
are one with the Cosmic Plan in their realisation. All the
nobler traits of man are radiated through this sign and
the ninth house. This sign is called the sign of judgment.
Eminent judges are born under this sign. To the
spiritualist, the judge in him is awakened through a
meditation of the symbolism of this sign. With veneration
and utmost humility, we enter into the mysteries of this
sign, because it is impossible to interpret the splendours
of the sign, even to the hundredth part.
It is a sign of tension to the average man (as is
symbolised by the bow), but at the same time it is the
symbol of the divine force which is kept under the tension
of the limitation of man in the form of ideal. Some day
the limitation will break with the aid of his noble traits
and judicious aiming. The arrows released hit the target.
The shot never fails, because it is the judge who shoots.
Man is five-fold in the level of his senses. His vehicle
(the chariot) is made up of the five states of matter and is
guarded by the five elementals of these states. In him, he