178 Spiritual Astrology
The sign Capricorn is called “the Mount”. It is the
Mount Sinai which marks the ascent of Moses to
experience the Burning Bush in “I am that I am” and again
come down to earth to lead his fellow-beings through the
great journey. The formula of the Burning Bush in man is
expressed by a ‘name’ of five words which means “THE
Master Jesus. Christ gave this robe to the world once again
through Jesus. The sons of God, who wear this robe know
the Law and the Day of Judgment. The star “Kefus”, which
is located in this constellation is called the Law Giver of
the final day. All those who are buried in the graves of
matter are called forth to judgment through death. For
this reason, Capricorn is called the gate of death just as
Cancer, the opposite sign, is called the gate of life. Souls
die (enter the cycle of birth and lose themselves in the
tombs of matter) into the earth life through Cancer and
await the call of the day of judgment in Capricorn. This
has got a profound symbolism.
The five words on the robe denote the inner man (the
soul of man) who is the robe of the spiritual microcosm.
This robe of the Lord shines forth as the five-pointed star
through the gateways of his five senses. In Sanskrit, the
name of the sign is Makara, which means the hand with five
outstretched fingers (vide the twelve signs of the zodiac by
T.Subbarao). From within the man, the robe comes out as
the five-pointed star and gradually covers him as the
regular pentagon, when the disciple gets the investiture of
the robe completely. The breast jewels of the robe of the
high priest are concealed within it.
The word Makara is wrongly understood as a
crocodile, in fact, it is the white-dragon. When man stands