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198 Spiritual Astrology

Renovations. The fish-God is said to emanate as the
incarnation of Lord Vishn.u (the Lord of existence or poise)
and renovate the wisdom of the whole creation and save
the worlds through it. The story of the Fish-God
(Matsya-vatha-ra) is one of the eighteen sacred formulae of
the Pura-n.ic symbolism. On the astronomical plane, there
is a cluster of stars which links up the two fishes of the
constellation of Pisces. This cluster is in the form of a light
when seen from this earth. This cluster rules over the
faculty of the building of the Higher Bridge in a disciple.
The great seers of wisdom know the construction of the
one Fish (alpha in omega) and renovate the wisdom. They
call this spiritual process “fishing”. When Jesus imparted
this wisdom he commanded his disciples “Let us be the
fishers of men”.

The culmination of man as God is marked by this
sign, just as the culmination of the perfect man is marked
by Aquarius. This culmination of man as a God or the
son of God is worked out through the activity of the grace
of the World Mother. For this reason Virgo and Pisces are
opposite signs. Capricorn marks the stage of the
investiture of the robe, when man is made the Saviour or
the Law-Giver. This marks the descent of God into man.
Pisces marks the ascent of man into God after passing
through the final pause (flood) of creation. In Capricorn,
the son of God is with his fellow-beings. In Pisces he is
with “the Father in heaven” as one with Him. These two
paths approach man the disciple from two opposite
directions and meet in him. “All the impulses of the dual,
centripetal and centrifugal forces, are directed towards
one point - Man”, says H.P.B. “Man is the end towards
which all animal creation has tended from the first
appearance of the first paleozoic fishes,” says Agassiz in

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