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The place of Moon as a planet and as a planetary

principle in the field of spiritualism is rather mysterious.
As a separate luminary, the Moon is supposed by some
spiritualists to have no influence to wield upon any atom
or ego of this earth. But as a deputee or an exoteric seat of
the lunar deity who has not yet materialised into a
planetary centre (since he exists in the ether as one of the
seven higher cosmic deities called the entities of
omnipresence or sa-dhya-s), our Moon reflects the will of
that lunar deity. Modern science knows the reflection of
the objective solar ray and nothing else about this cold
luminary. Even the modern yoga schools have not yet
reached that stage of unfolding which enables them to
realise the possibility of life in freezing point and below.
The yogi


s of the Himalayas and the poles and four other
selected seats on this earth globe, can give out the correct
information about the effect of Moon on this earth. In fact,
every atom from every planetary globe to earth of the six
lower planes contains the lunar principles (the seventh
being the solar principle). The lunar principle is called
So-ma and the moon is called Chandra in the books of
wisdom. The above said lunar principle (So-ma) is focused
on to this earth by the mother of this earth which is the
present Moon globe. The statement that the Moon is a
dead planet is a fact to a certain stage of consciousness
which acts as a blind to the ego before attaining the proper

4. The Place of Moon in Spiritual Symbolism

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