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296 Spiritual Astrology

system, except Mars, received the instruction. Mars
received it only after our earth. The establishment of this
contact of Neptune is a specific process. The process
includes the formation of satellites and utilising them as
mirroring objects for certain phenomena.

Our earth, at present, receives these rays as
reflections from Moon. On our earth there are not many
persons at present whose soul-vibration can respond to
the ray of Neptune. The first to receive it on this earth
was Gauthama the Buddha at about the same time as the
planet Venus. It was done through the agency of Sanat
Kuma-ra. At the end of the last Dwa-para yuga, Lord Krishn.a
was born with perfect mastery over the Neptunian ray,
having full communion with the intelligences of the
musical hierarchy. This however is not comparable with
the subsequent initiation of others into that hierarchy. On
a particular mission, Na-ra-yan.a, the Logos of the Supra-
cosmic World in its seventh plane, came down directly to
our earth as Lord Krishn.a. His mission was so enormous
that our solar logos had to establish an especial spritual
contact between our earth and ‘Swe-tha Dweepa’, the plane
of Na-ra-yan.a.

This incarnating Logos came down to our earth via
Venus under the influence of the constellation of Taurus.
Lord Krishn.a initiated the sage Maitre-ya and gave the
Neptunian link just before Krishn.a left this earth. One of
the greatest secrets not generally known is that Lord
Krishn.a who descended as a principle from the seventh
plane is yet to return there (to Swe-tha Dweepa).
Simultaneous to His ‘leaving’ this earth or Nirya-na, the
principle became one with Lord Maitre-ya. Lord Maitre-ya
first gave out all the details of the supra-cosmic wisdom

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