cosmic principle. His influence reaches
our solar system through one of the
stars of the constellation of the Great
Va-suki : Name of a divine serpent, used as the rope
to churn the ocean. (See Churning of
the ocean). He adorns Lord S’iva as
Vidura : A step-brother of Pa-ndu and
Dhritara-shtra in Maha-bha-rata. The first
disciple of Lord Maitre-ya.
Vidyut : A spark. An explosion, Electricity.
Vighati : A sixtieth part of Ghati. (See Ghati).
Vis’wakarman : The divine architect. A cosmic principle
who presides over the shape-
consciousness of the creation. Cosmic
Vis’wa-vasu : A Gandharva. A cosmic principle who
presides over the musical sense and the
muse of romance in the created beings.
He is described as the presiding deity
of marriages. Any virgin on this earth
is first taken away by Soma, then by
Vis’wa-vasu and then only by her
husband. The allegory relates to the
various psychic levels of a woman
while she attains her age of puberty.
Vive-ka : Discrimination. The veil to be pierced
through by a disciple during his higher
initiations gives way through this