78 Spiritual Astrology
For all spiritual purposes, Aries is located in the
meridian of the day of gods. The solar year is called the
day of the gods. Libra is located in the midnight of gods.
Capricorn and Cancer mark their Sunrise and the Sunset.
This is according to the Ve-dic and the Pura-n.ic wisdom.
Aries and Libra mark the two ends of the line of verticality
(the plumb line) to the one on the equator at noon of the
vernal equinox day. Capricorn and Cancer constitute his
horizontal plane on earth (the level). These two lines form
the cross in man. The cross is composed of four right
angles and each forms the square or the fourth part of the
circle. The four points around him form his own magnetic
centres of initiation. Through these centres, the elementals
of fire, air, earth and water will give him the required
initiations of the various degrees. The ever-widening
concepts of man, through initiations, form the portals. The
meridian and the nadir also mark the vertical line. This is
the axis of initiation which is symbolised by the
Brahmarandhra of the vertical being (man). The hours of
his day are arranged on this axis as the timings for his
realisation and unfolding (the hours of labour and