Aries 85
numerical value of Aries is 9. This is the number which
ends the numbers and gives the beginning of 1 after
completing the zero. (Each zodiacal sign has a number of
its own which works out for perfect adepts born under
the sign. These numbers of the signs are more cosmic than
planetary. Every individual has an admixture of so many
planetary and zodiacal principles in him. The zodiacal
numbers aid the student of occultism in his meditational
purposes. The same is the case with the colours and the
rays of each sign. Number is a potency, colour is a
vibration and shape is an expression. They exist as the
powers of the inner nature of man.)
Red is the colour of this sign and blood is its tissue.
The warmth of the blood which forms the motive force of
the vital body is related to this fiery sign. Haemoglobin
forms the main content of the blood. Hence the chemistry
of iron in nature’s workings is governed by this sign. The
mineral atoms that enter the stage of iron get their
redemption through this sign. The consciousness of this
sign works as the elemental that governs the iron ores.
When the scientific man extracts the iron from the ores
and works it out into the many shapes of tools, weapons,
machines, bridges and buildings, he is training the atoms
of iron to undergo a speedy evolution in the mineral
kingdom. A close association of the metal with human
being acting as the artificer of metals stimulates the atoms
of the mineral kingdom into a higher development. All
this activity on the mundane level is worked out under
the supervision of the elemental of the sign Aries. Periods
of war and advanced scientific developments mark the
Aries activity.
The eyebrows and the nose are to be meditated as
the glyph of Aries. This gives a stimulation of the hidden
levels of consciousness in the lower head-centre (the