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88 Spiritual Astrology

Aries, the head is cut. In Gemini, the throat is cut. In
Taurus, the tongue is pulled out. The mantram for Aries is
H, for Taurus it is R, and for Gemini it is S. Therefore the
beginning of the zodiac is called Sahasra (the head-centre).
The mystic passage of the sacrifice of Purusha begins with
the Mantram, “Sahasra”. The sound “Sa” is called
masculine for some secret reasons. “Ha” is feminine. For
this reason the above mystic passage of Purusha begins
with “S” and another mystic passage which is dedicated
to the goddess (World Mother) begins with “H”. These
sounds well arranged and uttered through the vital,
mental and the buddhic tongues (not through physical
tongue and vocal cords) give out the utterance of the man
and the disciple as the word or the logos. A great ritual is
thereby conducted by the three higher centres of
Shamballa. Through this ritual man is raised to the cosmic
level of existence. Henceforth the lower principles of the
disciple which form his body are ‘thrown to the mercy of
the vultures’ (the elementals of various kingdoms who
work out the process of sublimation or the alchemy).

The path of the planets from Aries to Taurus is the
path of earth or the materialistic path. The path of the
equinoxes from Aries to Pisces is the path of water or the
soul’s path. Man stands in Aries between the two paths.
He is said to stand on a strip of ground between a
mountain and a lake, according to the symbolism of the
wisdom writings of ancient China (its significance is well
described in a great symbolic scripture of the Chinese
called Ye-Ching or the Book of Changes).

Aries is the first of the three fiery signs. These signs
of the fiery triplicity are called the three great fires of the
ritual (Tre-ta-gni). In the cosmic fire they exist as the electric
fire (Vidyut), the solar fire (Jyothi) and fire by friction or

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