(Marcin) #1

An example calculation using the Standard Method for a 40 year old for a desired aerobic intensity of 75%
would be:

Standard Target HR = %Intensity/100 x (Maximum HR)
= 0.75 x (220 - 40)
= 135

An example calculation using the Karvonen Method for a 40 year old with a resting heart rate of 50 bpm
for a desired aerobic intensity of 75% would be:

Karvonen Target HR = %intensity/100 x (Maximum HR - Resting HR) + Resting HR
= 0.75 x (220 - 40 - 50) + 50
= 147

Heart Rate Reserve

The Heart Rate Reserve is used to calculate the Karvonen Method.

Heart Rate Reserve (HRR) = Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) – Resting Heart Rate (RHR)


The standard metabolic equivalent, or MET, level. This unit is used to estimate the amount of oxygen
used by the body during physical activity.

1 MET = the energy (oxygen) used by the body as you sit quietly, perhaps while talking on the phone or
reading a book. The harder your body works during the activity, the higher the MET.

Any activity that burns 3 to 6 METs is considered moderate-intensity physical activity. Any activity that
burns > 6 METs is considered vigorous-intensity physical activity.

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