(Marcin) #1

Cross-Country (Aqua Ski) - Alternate arms and legs in wide opposing movements with tightened glutes

Frog Jump - keep toes, knees, and legs pointed outward at 30 to 45 degrees, bring knees up while
pushing arms down to side

Heel Lift - jump with heels and knees together while raising heels toward glutes

Hops - hop forward and back or side to side

Jumping Jacks (front) - raise alternating knees waist high

Jumping Jacks (side) - raise legs simultaneously to each side and return

Lunges - forward or backward keeping both knees soft and toes ahead of the knee, point your toes
straight ahead

Rocking Horse - moving forward and backward with bent knees, forward knee rising to the chest

Scissor Jump - jump with a move of one leg forward and other back and alternating arms.

Tuck Jump (Straddle) - elbows flexed, bring both knees up to waist level while lowering arms to sides or
perform circles

Water Jogging (Jogger) - run in place with legs together or wider than shoulder width apart while
swinging arms

Sculling - movement of arms in a side to side and downward waving motion to provide lift

Once you have established the correct stance, a variety of arm and leg movements will be introduced. A
complete water aerobics workout is designed to work all of the major muscle groups. Combine a triceps
push, biceps curl, shoulder shrugs and other standard arm movements with any of the moves above to
extend the variety of the workout. If you are familiar with other activities, you can incorporate those moves
into your class such as the jumps used in jumping rope or dance. Cardio Kickboxing moves can also be
incorporated into a water-based fitness class. It will be especially important to maintain proper Cardio
Kickboxing form to ensure balance. The moves above are only a sample of the moves available. Use you
imagination to create stationary as well as travelling moves.

Due to buoyancy, participants may find themselves balancing on their toes. Cue them to press their heels
to the floor of the pool to avoid calf cramps (Charlie Horse).

Class Structure

  1. Participants should be in water to the chest level

  2. Start with Basic Stance - feet facing forward, shoulder-width apart, knees soft and arms at the

  3. Stretch the quadriceps, calf muscles, hip flexors and hamstrings

  4. Jog and scull in place, knees raised to waist height at low intensity

  5. Jog around an area of the pool, knees raised to waist height at low intensity

  6. Perform Lunges - toes pointing forward, either leg extended to the rear with arms extended
    forward for balance

  7. Begin an increased intensity portion of the class with Frog, Tuck and Scissor Jumps

  8. Continue an increased intensity portion of the class with Skiing and Rocking Horse moves

  9. Begin an decreased intensity portion of the class with Bobbing and Jogging

  10. Follow with a stretch of the quadriceps, hamstrings, hip flexors and calves

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