(Marcin) #1

Foreword – Important

The information contained in this manual is intended as a fitness guide and is not intended to replace a
personal trainer. Remember; please consult your doctor before beginning any type of workout or diet
program. Factors unknown to you may have an adverse effect on your physical well-being even including
death. You may think you’re in physical shape to pursue the activities described in this document; only
your doctor is qualified to make that decision. Tell him or her that you are planning to begin an exercise

It is important to keep in mind that pain is NOT good especially in joints, bone, and chest. Muscle
soreness is normal, but not to the point of not being able to use it. NEVER continue a workout with
soreness, give the muscles a chance to repair and build. Working out too many times per week can
actually make a muscle smaller and weaker if you don't give it a chance to repair. Remember; nutrition is
the fuel for work and repair.

In any event, the International Fitness Association (IFA), the author and their representatives cannot
assume any responsibility for negative results regardless of how incidental or severe, whether due to an
error in this manual or an omission of information. The responsibility is yours. We are not there to see
what you're doing; so use common sense. In any event, if you have a question that you can’t get
answered, send us an email from our website at We’ll try to answer your
question. A local personal trainer might also be able to help. You don’t have to hire a trainer for the long
term. You can get a trainer to start you out or just meet you at the gym every couple of weeks to check on
your progress and technique (very important). Trainer rates vary from $25/hr to $45/hr and on up. It’s a
good idea to get your workout program started.

This manual is the course material for the following certifications:

Certification Section of the manual that applies

Personal Trainer & Group Fitness Instructor entire manual
Sports Nutritionist nutrition section only and client forms
Senior Fitness Instructor entire manual
Aqua Fitness Instructor entire manual

For certification as a Sports Nutritionist, you are expected to read and be tested on the Nutrition section
only. You will also need to be familiar with the Client Forms section. For the Aerobics & Trainer
certification and the Senior Fitness certification, you are expected to read the entire manual. However, test
material will not emphasize the Nutrition section. For Trainer candidates, it is advisable to read the entire
manual. A Personal Trainer should be aware of the Nutritional needs of their clients.

After reading this book, you can take the test on the website at and it will be
instantly and automatically graded. The results will be sent to IFA automatically. If you pass, you can even
pay for the certification on the IFA website. If you are planning to send in your test instead of taking it
online, you’ll need to download the test from the download page at the website and submit it with your
payment to:

International Fitness Association (IFA)
Attn: Certifications
12472 Lake Underhill Rd., #
Orlando, FL 32828


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