156 Nodal and mesh analysis
V2 = 105/--101.5~ ~ 194.8/--22.2 ~
The potential difference across the admittance Yz is
1/2 - V4 = V2 = 194.8/_ - 22.2 ~ V.
If the voltage source Vs is connected between a node N and the reference node,
the voltage of node N becomes Vs as we have seen in the previous two
examples. If, however, the voltage source is connected between two nodes
neither of which is the reference, we introduce the notion of a supernode.
Figure 7.6
~1 _ I1 2 R3 I3 3
R~ Vs2
In the circuit of Fig. 7.6 the nodes 1 and 2 and the voltage source Vsl together
form a supernode. Two other nodes are identified as 3 and 4. We choose node 4
as the reference and its voltage is V4 = 0. Applying KCL to the supernode we
(V1- V4)/R1 + (V2- V4)/R2 + (V2- V3)/R3 = 0
Now (V3 - V4) = V3 -- Vs2 so that, using conductances, we have
G1V~ + G2V2 + G3(V2- Y~2)= 0
But V1 = Vsl + V2, therefore
G,(V~I + Y2) + G~V2 + G3V~- G3V~2 = 0
G~Ys~ + G~V2 + GzV2 + G3V2- G3Vs2 = 0
(G1 + G2 + G3)V2 = G3Vs2- G.,Vs,
V2- (G3Vs2- OlVs,)/(G, + G2 + G3) (7.11)
Example 7.12
Determine the voltage across the resistors R 2 and R4 in the circuit of Fig. 7.7.