166 Nodal and mesh analysis
/3 = Is + 12 (7.29)
Substituting for ~ from Equation (7.29) in Equation (7.27) we have
(R1 + R4)/1- RlI2- R4(Is + I2) = V
(R, + R4)I 1 - RlI 2 - R4I s - R412 = V
(R1 + R4)I 1 -(R 1 4- R4)I 2 = V 4- R4I s (7.30)
Substituting for 13 from Equation (7.29) in Equation (7.28) we have
(R, + R2)I2 + (R3 + R4)(Is + 12) - (R, + R4)I1 = 0
(R1 + R2)I2 + R3Is + R312 + R4Is + R412- (R~ + R4)I~ = 0
(R1 + R2 + R3 + R4)I2- (R1 + R4)I1 = -(R3 + R4)Is (7.31)
We now have two equations (7.30) and (7.31) from which I~ and 12 can be
determined. Once 12 is known 13 follows immediately from Equation (7.29).
Example 7.16
Determine (1) the mesh current I2 and (2) the voltage at node X in the circuit of
Fig. 7.14.
R1 = 6D.
Figure 7.14
Vsl = 12V
X R3 = 15~
R2 3~ Vs2 = 3V
There are three meshes in total but since there is a current source common to
meshes 1 and 2, these can be considered to be a supermesh. Applying the three-
step method to the supermesh:
1 we multiply the mesh current 11 by the resistance through which it flows
(R~) and add this to the product of the mesh current I2 and the resistance
through which it flows (R2);
2 there is one adjacent mesh whose current is 13. We multiply this by the
resistance (R2) common to the two meshes and subtract the product;
3 there is a voltage source (Vsl) which acts in the opposite direction to the
mesh current flowing through it so the right-hand side of the supermesh
equation is - Vs~