178 Transient analysis
The response to the application of a pulse
Suppose that the pulse of width T seconds (T >i 5r) shown in Fig. 8.8 is applied
to the circuit of Fig. 8.1. The effect upon the circuit can be considered to be a
combination of the conditions in the previous two sections.
0 T "-t
Figure 8.8
For the period from 0 to T seconds, the current in the circuit and the voltages
across the resistor and the inductor will be given by Equations (8.2), (8.5) and
(8.6), respectively, while for the period following T, these quantities are given
by Equations (8.9), (8.10) and (8.11), respectively. The corresponding wave-
form of current may be obtained by combining Fig. 8.3 with Fig. 8.6(a), putting
0 >I 5z in the latter. Those of VR and Ve can be obtained by combining Fig. 8.4
with Fig. 8.6(b), again changing the origin of the latter to 5z. When you have
done this you should obtain graphs similar to those of Figs 8.10 and 8.12.
The RL integrator circuit
If the output voltage of the RL circuit shown in Fig. 8.9 is taken to be the
voltage across the resistor, then the circuit is called an integrator because the
output waveform approximates to the integral of the input voltage.
_~,..j,-,~ryy~ i L
Vo --
Figure 8.9
Example 8.4
A pulse of magnitude 5 V and width 40 txs is applied to an integrator circuit
consisting of an inductor of 8 mH in series with a resistor of 2 kf~. Draw the
waveforms of the output voltage, Vo, and the current, i.
The circuit is as shown in Fig. 8.9 with R - 2 kl), L - 8 mH and V = 5 V. First