3.9 Delta-star transformation 57
and for the resistance between terminals 3 and 1"
R3 + R1 = R3,[R,2 + Rz3]/(R12-+- R23 + R3,) (3.19)
Subtract Equation (3.18) from Equation (3.17) to give, after expanding the
e 1 - e 3 -- (e12R23 -Jr- e12R31- e23R12- e23R31)/(e12 Jr- R23 -']- e31 )
el- R3 = (e12R31- e23R31)/(e12 + R23 + e31) (3.20)
Adding Equations (3.19) and (3.20), we obtain
2R1 = (R3~R12 + R31R23 + R~zR3,- Rz3R3~)/(R~2 + R23 + R3~)
= 2R31R12/(R12 + R23 + R31 )
R~ = R3~R12/(R~2 + R23 + R31) (3.21)
If we now subtract Equation (3.19) from Equation (3.18) and add the result to
Equation (3.17) we obtain
R2 = R12R23/(R12 + R23 + R31 ), (3.22)
Finally, by subtracting Equation (3.17) from Equation (3.19) and adding the
result to Equation (3.18):
R3 = Rz3R3~/(Ra2 + R23 + R3a) (3.23)
An easy way to remember the rules for changing from delta to star is to draw
the star set inside the delta set as shown in Fig. 3.31.
Figure 3.31
R31 R12
Any star equivalent resistor is then given as 'the product of the two delta
resistors on either side divided by the sum of all three delta resistors'.
Example 3.9
Determine the input resistance (i.e. the resistance between terminals A and B)
in the circuit of Fig. 3.32.