Introduction to Electric Circuits

(Michael S) #1

Figure 4.10


o q-

4.2 Single-phase a.c. circuits in the steady state 75


0 r f

and as
f "---> ~ SO XL---'~ and I---,0

Example 4.5
In the circuit of Fig. 4.8, L = 5 mH, i = 10 sin 27rft and f = 400 Hz. Calculate
(1) the inductive reactance of the circuit, (2) the rms value of the supply

1 The inductive reactance, XL = 2-rrfL = 27r 400 5 • 10 -3 = 12.56 1"),.
2 The rms value of the voltage is given by V = IXL, where I is the rms value
of the current. Now
I = Im/V2 = 10/V/2 = 7.07 A
V = 7.07 • 12.56 = 88.8 V

Purely capacitive circuits
The diagram of Fig. 4.11 shows a pure capacitor C connected to a voltage
source V. We have seen (Chapter 2) that i = dq/dt and that q = CV so that
i = d(Cv)//dt = Cdv/dt if C is constant. Let the source voltage be v = Vm sin wt.
i- Cdv/dt- Cd(Vm sin oJt)/dt = C[VmW COS ~ot]

vt ~_c

Figure 4.11

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