Muhammad, the Qur'an and Islam
a sign for all the world. In the vv. 95f Gog and Magog appear to be^245
mentioned in connection with the end of the world and the Judgment. In v.
107 Muhammad is also said to have been sent as a "mercy" for all (cf. v. 91
and 23:52), and the confession of Muhammad that he did not know when or
what will occur concerning punishment is related to Qur'an 72:26. Passages
of the sura at least remotely similar to Bible verses are: 21:48 (cf. Mt.
17:20); 21:105 (quotes Ps. 37:29); 21:108 (cf. Dt. 6:4). The Arabic names
for Gog and Magog (v. 96) seem to have been modified by Muhammad
from the Syriac. This sura appears to give one of the earliest^246 usages of the
foreign word "zabur" for the Psalms only (v. 105), and Muhamma^247 d
seems to have misunderstood the Syriac word "furqan" (v. 49) I^248 n v. 104
the strange word 7−j~ ("sijill") appears, which is thought to have come
from Greek or Syriac, and was probably also misunderstood by
The first verse of Qur'an 25Qur'an 25Qur'an 25Qur'an 25 describes either the "furqan" or Muhammad as
a warner for all. In v. 2 the kingdom of heaven and earth is shown to be
God's, who is said to have no son. The vv. 5f appear to reproduce Meccan
accusations that Muhammad received help from others in comp^250 osing the
Qur'an, which is said to have been "stories of the ancients"^251 he wrote (for
himself), having been dictated morning and evening. The den^252 ial of the
charge of human assistance (but not of his "writing") is found in v. 7. Other
Meccan accusations are given in vv. 8f, whereby Muhammad is described
as one who eats and goes to markets (cf. 25:22 for the reply). Questions are
also asked as to why no angel was sent to him to confirm his warning, why
he was not given a treasure or a garden (cf. 25:23f for a reply). In answer to
the charge of not having a garden, the garden of Paradise is described in v.
11, following which Judgment and Hell are spoken of. The vv. 32f are
concerned with others’ rejection of the Qur'an, and in v. 34 the question is
posed as to why the Qur'an was not revealed all at one time. In the vv. 37f
Moses is again said to have received the Book and Aaron is described as
having been his helper (cf. 20:30). In v. 39 a summary of Noah's ministry is
given, the `Ad, Thamud and the inhabitants of al-Rass are mentioned in