Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Muhammad, the Qur'an and Islam

Meccans are said to have convinced the Jewish Banu Qurayza to break their
covenant with Muhammad. During the 15 day-long siege, only a s^57 mall
contingent of Meccans is reported to have crossed the ditch once.
Muhammad is said to have employed a spy, who was at least somewhat
successful in sowing discord among the Meccans and their allies. Abu
Sufyan allegedly wanted to plan a large-scale attack on the Muslim
positions, but when the Banu Qurayza were approached, they refused to
participate on the grounds that it was the Sabbath. That evening a severe
wind storm is said to have induced the Meccans and their other allies to lift
the siege and retire. In the end, the Meccans are reported to have lost three
men to the Muslims' six dead, one of whom died later. Many verse^58 s of
Qur'an 33 are said to have been revealed concerning this siege.^59

Also during the 57th month after the Hijra, Muhammad is said to have
married Zaynab b. Jahsh; the divorced wife of Zayd b. Haritha, who was
Muhammad's adopted son. It is reported that Muhammad once went to visit
Zayd, who was not home. While there, Muhammad saw Zaynab, who was
only partially clothed. Upon seeing her, Muhammad reportedly said:
"Praise to Allah, the changer of hearts." When Zaynab told Zayd about the
incident later, Zayd offered to divorce his wife, so that Muhammad could
then marry her. Initially, Muhammad refused, but then later accepted after
verses were revealed regarding Zayd's status and his offer (cf. Qur'an 33:4f,

Also in the 57th month after the Hijra, Muhammad is said to have been
commanded to move against the Banu Qurayza by Gabriel. Some 3 000
Muslims besieged them for 15 days, but the Jews offered no resistance.^61
The Jews sent to Muhammad for terms of surrender, but he refused them.
Eventually, the Banu Qurayza surrendered, no doubt in hopes of being
exiled as the Banu Qaynuqa and Banu Nadir had been. The Aws also asked
for leniency for their former allies, and Muhammad then had Sad b. Muadh (one of the Aws who was dying from wounds he sustained at the
ditch) decide their fate. Sad said that all of the men of the Banu Qurayza were to be executed, their women and children were to become slaves, and their goods were to be divided among the Muslims (cf. Qur'an 33:26f). When Muhammad heard of Sad's decision, he is reported to have said:
"That is the decision of Allah in the seventh Heaven!" The exe^62 cution of
the 600-700 Jewish men by `Ali and al-Zubayr is said to have l^63 asted into
the evening, and only one man is reported to have become a Muslim and
eaten camel meat. One Jewish woman was also executed for alle^64 gedly

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