Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Muhammad, the Qur'an and Islam

about loving wealth or Allah and Muhammad, and although some canonical
traditions mention these verses, without giving a possible context, this^70
passage may refer to disputes about the abundant spoils from the Banu
Qurayza and how Muhammad's share was divided among his wives. In
v. 30, Muhammad's wives are told that their punishment will be more
severe than for others, if they would commit something shameful, but v. 31
states that they would receive a double reward for obedience to Allah and
Muhammad. The v. 32 warns Muhammad's women about speaking
properly to others, and v. 33 commands his women not to adorn themselves
as they did in pre-Islam, but to pray, give alms and obey God and
Muhammad. The v. 34 says that Muhammad's women are to consider the
signs and wisdom (Qur'an) which were read (recited) in their houses, and
v. 35 states that Muslims are to be obedient, true, steadfast, humble, to give
alms, to fast, to shun sexual immorality, and meditate on God often. The
v. 36 declares that God's and Muhammad's decisions are final, and that they
are to be obeyed. The vv. 37f refer to the incident with Zaynab and Zayd,^71
and v. 40 depicts Muhammad as not having a son, but as being Al^72 lah's
messenger and the "seal of the prophets." The v. 41 gives the command-
ment to meditate on God and praise Him mornings and evenings, and
v. 42 states that God and His angels pray for believers to be led from the
darkness into the light. The v. 43 says that believers will greet God with the
word "peace," and in v. 44 Muhammad is addressed as a prophet and is said
to have been sent as a witness, bearer of good news and a warner. In v. 47
Muhammad is commanded not to obey unbelievers and hypocrites, and
v. 48 speaks of divorce prior to the con- summation of marriage. In the
vv. 49f Muhammad is basically allowed to marry any woman who presents
herself to him as a special privilege, and `A'isha's alleged reaction to v. 51
in the canonical traditions is well known. The v. 52 must have^73 been
composed later, since Muhammad is not allowed to have more wi^74 ves now.
The v. 53 dictates that those wishing to visit Muhammad were to ask for
permission, and that no one was to marry his wives after him. Th^75 e v. 55
allows Muslim women to speak with their relatives without the veil, and v.
56 maintains that God and His angels pray for Muhammad. The v^76. 59
commands Muhammad's wives and daughters and those of the believers to
cover (or veil) themselves. The vv. 60f give a severe warning to the
hypocrites, and v. 63 reproduces a question about the advent of "the hour,"
which is answered by the statement that only God knows. The vv. 64f are

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