Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Muhammad, the Qur'an and Islam

Mariya (the Copt), her sister Sirin (or Shirin) and other presents. Muham-
mad kept Mariya for himself (as a concubine), and gave Sirin to Hassan b.

One day Muhammad is said to have visited with Mariya in Hafsa's
dwelling, without the latter's knowledge. When Hafsa found out about it,
Muhammad allegedly swore not to visit Mariya again, and Hafsa was not to
tell anyone else. After Muhammad discovered that Hafsa had not kept her
word, Muhammad is said to have divorced his wives for a month.^136

Qur'an 66Qur'an 66Qur'an 66Qur'an 66 apparently begins with the incident about Mariya and one of
Muhammad's wives telling others about something which he spoke to her
about in secret. The v. 4 is said to have referred to A'isha and Hafsa, and^137 v. 5 mentions the threat of divorce. The v. 6 is a commandment for^138 believers to save themselves and their families from Hell, and v. 7 says that unbelievers will not have an excuse. In v. 8 believers are to repent sincerely, so they will possibly have their sins forgiven and go to Paradise. In v. 9 Muhammad is addressed as a prophet and is told to strive against the unbelievers. The v. 10 claims that the wives of Noah and Lot went to Hell, v. 11 gives an alleged prayer of Pharoah's wife, and v. 12 s^139 tates that God's Spirit was breathed into Mary, and she believed. Thes^140 e pairs of believing and unbelieving women were no doubt intended to serve as examples for Hafsa andA'isha originally.

Later, Muhammad defeated the Jews of Wadi al-Qura and made a pact with
them concerning their lands. The Jews of Tayma' ageed to pay the "jizya."
Years later the Caliph `Umar expelled the Jews of Khaybar and Fadak, but
allowed those of Wadi al-Qura and Tayma' remain, because they were not
considered to be in the Hijaz.^141

In the 78th month after the Hijra, Muhammad sent `Umar b. Khattab with
30 Muslims to raid the Hawazin at Turaba. When they arrived, they could
not find anyone there.^142

Also in the 78th month after the Hijra, Muhammad sent Abu Bakr to raid
the Banu Kilab in Najd. At least seven families were killed, and prisoners

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