Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Muhammad, the Qur'an and Islam

During the 84th month after the Hijra, Amr al-As, Khalid b. Walid and
`Uthman b. Talha are reported to have come to Medina and accepted

Also in the 84th month after the Hijra, Muhammad sent Ghalib b.
`Abdullah with 13 to 19 men to raid the Banu Mulawwih in al-Kadid.
Along the way they captured a prisoner. They attacked the Banu
Mulawwih, killing some, and capturing women and children as they seized
their livestock. A sudden rainstorm sent by Allah is said to have enabled
them to escape those of the Banu Mulawwih who were pursuing them.^151

Also during the same month, Muhammad sent Ghalib b. Abdullah with 200 men to Fadak, to avenge the attack made on Bashir b. Sad by the Banu
Murra. When the Muslims arrived, they are said to have killed s^152 ome of
the Banu Murra and reportedly took their camels.^153

In the 85th month after the Hijra, Muhammad sent Shujab. Wahb and 24 men to raid the Hawazin in al-Siyyi. When they arrived there, the Muslims killed some people, took female captives and much livestock. After the^154 clans sent representatives to Muhammad and accepted Islam, the women were returned, except for one girl, who remained the wife of Shuja.^155

Also in the 85th month after the Hijra, Muhammad sent Ka'b b. `Umayr and
15 men to raid Dhat Atla. The Muslims invited the people there to Islam,
but after they refused to become Muslims, the fighting began. Only one
wounded Muslim survived to return to Muhammad.^156

During the 87th month after the Hijra, Muhammad had 3000 men set out
for Mu'ta to avenge the death of one of his envoys. They were reportedly
met by a force of 100,000 men, including some of the Byzantine^157 s. The
Muslims lost three commanders (among them Zayd b. Haritha and Ja`far b.
Abu Talib) before giving the flag to Khalid b. Walid, who essentially
organized the retreat. The Muslims are said to have had heavy losses.^158

In the 88th month after the Hijra, Muhammad sent Amr al-As and 300
men to attack some of the Baliyy and Qusa`a, who were allegedly planning
to attack the Muslims. Muhammad later sent 200 men as reinforcements.

When the unified force arrived at Dhat al-Salasil, most of their foe had
already fled, so the Muslims only drove away the few who remained.^159

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