Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
The Qur'an

[59] Ibid., vol. 1, 164, gives traditions showing the Qur'an to contain
77934, 77437 or 77277 words. Dodge, Fihrist, vol. 1, p. 62 has a tradition
stating that the Qur'an had 77439 words.

[60] Suyuti, El-Itkan, p. 157, gives a tradition which claims there are
323,671 letters in the Qur'an. Dodge, Fihrist, vol. 1, p. 63, presents hadith
stating that there are 323,015 or 321,530 letters in the Qur'an. Suyuti, El-
Itkan, p. 165, gives a hadith quoting `Umar as having said that the Qur'an
contained 1,027,000 letters (including what had allegedly been abrogated).

[61] GQ, vol. 3, p. 274; Jeffery, Materials, pp. vii f. Some of the
preliminary works for this project were GQ, vol. 3, (1938); Jeffery's
Materials, (1937) and Spitaler's "Die Verszählung des Koran", (1935).

[62] See Jeffery's comments in his The Qur'an as Scripture, p. 103.

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