Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Muhammad, the Qur'an and Islam

nn. 4-5), that in the text of Kitab al-Tabaqat dealing with Muhammad's
biography (vols. I and II of Sachau's edition), Ibrahim b. Sad b. Abu Waqqas is not referred to, and that the recension of Harun b. AbuIsa is
indirect (it is traced through Ruwaym b. Yazid; cf. Haq's translation I, 1,
pp. 44 and 52, II, 1, p. 1). Direct quotations of Ibn Ishaq by his narrators as
given in n. 7, above, are:
Haq's translation
3) Abdullah b. Idris II, 1, pp. 66, 68, 98. 6)Abdullah b. Numayr II, 1, p. 141.
II, 2, p. 299, 317.
11) `Ali b. Mujahid I, 2, pp. 361, 409.
(also indirectly) I, 1, pp. 188, 191.

Indirect quotes are additionally given from:

10) Salama b. al-Fadl I, 1, p. 194.

Other narrators, not found in Fueck's list (n. 7, above) also quote Ibn Ishaq
directly: Ismail b. Ibrahim al-Asadi (II, 1, p. 232), Yala b. Ubayd (II, 2, p. 243), Muhammad b.Umar (II, 2, p. 380), Muhammad b. Ubayd al-Tanafisi (II, 1, p. 170), Yazid b. Harun (II, 1, p. 103); and indirectly: Hushaym [b. Bishr] (I, 2, p. 105), Shuba [al-Hajjaj b. al-Ward] (II, 2,
p. 437), Abdul-Warith b. Said (II, 1, pp. 154, 156), Mandal (I, 2, p. 575).

[12] In the sections of Ta'rikh relating Muhammad's biography, Tabari
only appears to use the Ibn Ishaq recension of Ali b. Mujahid directly (History, vol. 6, p. 159), whom he also quotes indirectly (History, vol. 6, pp. 66, 82). Other narrations are indirect: History 4) Yunus b. Bukayr vol. 6, p. 82. 7) Yahya b. Said vol. 6, p. 134.
10) Salama b. al-Fadl passim
15) Muhammad b. Salama vol. 7, p. 16.
Yunus b. Ibrahim vol. 6, p. 107.

[13] As found in Guillaume, New Light. The manuscript gives an indirect
Ibn Ishaq recension of Yunus b. Bukayr; see New Light, p. 5.

[14] Since Waqidi never makes mention of Ibn Ishaq, it is difficult to
determine whether or not he used him as a source. Schwally, GQ, vol. 2,

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