Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Muhammad, the Qur'an and Islam

facing it, he later returns to build the House with Ishmael (SB 4:372). He
saw in a dream that he was to offer his son (SB 9:99). He was Jacob's father
(SM 4:1267). He was tall and resembled Muhammad in appearance (SB
4:367). He will meet his father Azar (SB 4:365) and be the first to be
clothed on the day of Resurrection (SB 8:349). He was mentioned in a
prayer of Muhammad (SB 8:245). He was seen on the seventh level of
heaven during the night journey (SM 1:100). His picture was found in the
Ka`ba (SB 4:365). TABARI: He sold idols for his father (2:52). He
desecrated an idol and was to be burned to death by Nimrod (2:55f). He has
Ishmael divorce his first wife (2:75). He proclaimed the Hajj (2:78). He
taught the (Muslim) rituals of prayer and the Hajj (2:81). He tried to
sacrifice Isaac (2:90) or Ishmael (2:92). He was buried in Sarah's tomb in
Hebron and died at 200 or 175 (2:130). SUYUTI: He was born 2000 years
after Adam, was circumcised at 120 years old and died at 200 or 175 years
old (2:358-9).

Moses - (Musa)Moses - (Musa)Moses - (Musa)Moses - (Musa) The name is not Arabic; its derivation is uncertain, but
does not seem to predate Muhammad (Vocabulary, pp. 274 f.) QUR'AN:
The scroll of Moses is mentioned (87:19). Moses was accused of coming to
drive the Egyptians out of the land (20:59,66). Moses preaches Monotheism
(26:23). Moses was given nine signs and Pharaoh says Moses is bewitched
(17:103). Moses and his servant meet a prophet and they journey together
(18:59f). Moses was thrown into a river (28:6). He was adopted by
Pharaoh's wife (28:8). Moses kills and asks for forgiveness (28:14f). He
served 8-10 years for his wife (28:27). He requests to see God, but God
does not allow this and destroys a mountain instead (7:139f). Moses and the
calf (2:63f). God spoke directly to Moses (4:162). HADITH: He killed a
man without God's permission (SM 1:127-9). Ibn `Abbas guesses Moses
fulfilled the longer (10 year) term to marry one of two daughters (SB
3:525). Ashura commemorates the victory of Moses over Pharaoh (SB
6:211). He screened himself while bathing, was accused of having a hernia
or defect, the stone runs away with his clothes, which he beats with his
clothes when he overtakes it (SB 1:169). Moses said he was the most
learned of the people (SB 1:90). He had troubles dividing spoil, but was
patient (SB 5:437). He was tall, had brown curly hair (SB 4:303) and rode a
red camel (SB 4:367). He slaps the angel who has come to take his life (SB
2:236). His following is numerous (SB 4:44) During Muhammad's night
journey, Moses is seen praying in his grave (SM 1:1266) and on the sixth
level of heaven, where he also encourages Muhammad to request that the
number of daily prayers be reduced (from 50 to 5) (SM 1:100). Muhammad

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