MATLAB Creating Graphical User Interfaces

(Barry) #1

10 Lay Out a Programmatic UI

TooltipString specifies the tooltips for the push tool and the toggle tool as My push
tool and Your toggle tool, respectively.

In this example, setting the toggle tool Separator property to on creates a dividing line to
the left of the toggle tool.

You can change the order of the tools by modifying the child vector of the parent toolbar.
For this example, execute the following code to reverse the order of the tools.

oldOrder = allchild(tbh);
newOrder = flipud(oldOrder);
tbh.Children = newOrder;

This code uses flipud because the Children property is a column vector.

Use the delete function to remove a tool from the toolbar. The following statement
removes the toggle tool from the toolbar. The toggle tool handle is tth.

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