MATLAB Creating Graphical User Interfaces

(Barry) #1
Synchronized Data Presentations in a Programmatic UI

% Create a uitable on the left side of the figure
htable = uitable('Units', 'normalized',...
'Position', [0.025 0.03 0.375 0.92],...
'Data', count,...
'ColumnName', colnames,...
'ColumnFormat', colfmt,...
'ColumnWidth', colwdt,...
'ColumnEditable', coledit,...
'Select cells to highlight them on the plot',...

The tableplot function performs these tasks:

  • Passes the count matrix to the table as the Data parameter.

  • Specifies the column names using the ColumnName property

  • Specifies that all columns hold numeric data using the ColumnFormat property

  • Specifies that all columns have a width of 60 pixels

MATLAB always interprets the ColumnWidth property in pixels

  • Provides a tooltip string for the table

  • Accepts default values for most of the remaining Uitable Properties.

In the next block of code, the tableplot function sets up an axes on the right side of the
figure. It plots lines and markers in response to the user's actions.

% Create an axes on the right side; set x and y limits to the
% table value extremes, and format labels for the demo data.
haxes = axes('Units', 'normalized',...
'Position', [.465 .065 .50 .85],...
'XLim', [0 tablesize(1)],...
'YLim', [0 max(max(count))],...
'XLimMode', 'manual',...
'YLimMode', 'manual',...
{'12 AM','5 AM','10 AM','3 PM','8 PM'});
title(haxes, 'Hourly Traffic Counts') % Describe data set
% Prevent axes from clearing when new lines or markers are plotted
hold(haxes, 'all')

In the next block of code, the tableplot function plots the lineseries for the markers
with a call to plot. The plot function graphs the entire count data set (which remains

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