Court Poetry in Late Medieval England and Scotland

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  1. On the press and the dissemination of obedience, see Patricia Clare Ingham,
    “Losing French: Vernacularity, Nation, and Caxton’s English Statutes,”in
    Kuskin(ed.),Caxton’s Trace, 275 – 98.

  2. Chaucer,Parliament of Fowls, 168 ; and see Spearing,Medieval Dream-Poetry, 91.

3 “my panefull purs so priclis me”: the rhetoric of the
self in dunbar’s petitionary poems

  1. Eustache Deschamps,Oeuvres complètes, ed. A. Queux de Saint-Hilaire and
    Gaston Raynaud, 11 vols., SATF (Paris, 1878 – 1904 )vi,mclxviii, 22 – 25. All
    references to Deschamps are to this edition, henceforth cited as Deschamps.
    2 .Registrum Secreti Sigilli Regum Scotorum: The Register of the Privy Seal of
    Scotland, ed. M. Livingstone, D. H. Fleming, J. Beveridge et al.
    (Edinburgh, 1908 ),i, 80 , 563.
    3 .Compota Thesauriorum Regum Scotorum: Accounts of the Lord High Treasurer
    of Scotland, ed. Thomas Dickson, Sir John Balfour-Paul and C. T. Innes, 12
    vols. (Edinburgh, 1877 – 1916 ), iv, 69. Henceforth all references cited as
    LHTA. See also J.W. Baxter, William Dunbar: A Biographical Study
    (Edinburgh, 1952 ), 142.
    4 .Registrum Secreti Sigilli,i, 323 , 2119 (entry for 26 August).

  2. Priscilla Bawcutt,“The Earliest Texts of Dunbar,”Regionalism in Medieval
    Manuscripts and Texts, ed. Felicity Riddy (Woodbridge, 1991 ), 183 – 98 ( 191 ).
    On relations between the Maitland and the Reidpeth MSS, see Julia Boffey,
    “The Maitland Folio Manuscript as a Verse Anthology,”William Dunbar,
    “The Nobill Poyet”: Essays in Honour of Priscilla Bawcutt, ed. Sally Mapstone
    (East Linton, 2001 ), 40 – 50.

  3. Priscilla Bawcutt,Dunbar the Makar(Oxford, 1992 ), 115.

  4. Ibid., 108 – 09 ; Baxter,William Dunbar, 142.

  5. Bawcutt,Dunbar, 104 – 05 ; see also Anne Betten,“Lateinische Bettellyrik:
    Literarische Topik oder Ausdruck existentieller Not? Eine vergleichende
    Skizze über Martial und den Archipoeta,” Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 11
    ( 1976 ), 143 – 50 ( 150 ).

  6. Christine Scollen-Jimack, “Marot and Deschamps: The Rhetoric of
    Misfortune,”French Studies 42 ( 1988 ), 21 – 32 ( 29 ). For a brilliant reading of
    an earlier case, see Jill Mann,“Satiric Subject and Satiric Object in Goliardic
    Literature,”Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 15 ( 1980 ), 63 – 86.

  7. The texts cited frequently in this chapter are as follows:Die Gedichte des Archipoeta,
    ed. Heinrich Watenphul and Heinrich Krefeld (Heidelberg, 1958 ), cited as
    Gedichte;Oeuvres poétiques de Guillaume Crétin, ed. Kathleen Chesney (Paris,
    1932 ), cited asCrétin; Machaut,Poésies lyriques, ed. V. Chichmaref, 2 vols. (Paris,
    1909 ), cited asMachaut;Les Faictz et Dictz de Jean Molinet, ed. Noël Dupire, 3 vols.
    SATF (Paris, 1936 – 39 ), cited asFD;Oeuvres complètes de Rutebeuf,ed.Michel
    Zink, 2 vols. (Paris, 1989 – 90 ), cited asRutebeuf;Moralisch-satirische Gedichte
    Walters von Châtillon, ed. Karl Strecker (Heidelberg, 1929 ), cited asM-S G.

Notes to Pages 61 – 64 195
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